Local constituency MSP Finlay Carson has welcomed the decision to extend the consultation process into the proposed Galloway National Park.
The Galloway and West Dumfries MSP had previously voiced serious concerns surrounding the tight timetable involved given the Christmas and New Year holiday period.
Now the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, Mairi Gougeon has confirmed this week that it will, in fact, be extended by two weeks.
Mr Carson said: “While I still have lots of concern surrounding the consultation process and it falls short of my request for a pause in the process, I am delighted that my request for an extension has been taken on board by the Cabinet Secretary.
“I thought that the timing was too tight, for starters, given the period straddles the Christmas Period.
“The consultation is due to begin next Thursday (7th) and there should be a clearer indication as to what the new National Park may look like.”
The Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP said more ideas should be forthcoming in the weeks ahead to allow people to make a valued judgement.
He explained: “The whole subject has already proved to be very divisive especially on social media where people are forming opinions without knowing what options are available.
“I would strongly urge residents in Galloway to take part in the consultation process and decide what they would like it to look like in the future.
“There are a number of options worthy of consideration and it is important to know the full facts before deciding whether a National Park would be a good or bad thing for the area.”
“ The final report from NatureScot should not default to a new National Park, but the best way forward for our beautiful region using the best policies to deliver for us all.”